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Párnický rybár

Náučný chodník Párnické jazerá


You are on the nature trail of the Párnica Lakes - a well of treasures. On the trail more than 1.5 km long you will find 8 educational boards, which are devoted to fauna and flora of the Párnica Lakes, the occurrence of fishes, butterflies in the locality of Malá Fatra, the history and present of the village Párnica. There is also a special ECO board and a board with a panoramic view.

The route of the nature trail also includes two newest stops, built for you by Civic Association - Párnica Fisherman.  It is the Lookout over the lake - an observation pier that offers a beautiful view of the lake with a catch-and-release fishing mode, where fishermen return the fish caught here to freedom. This new feature will help to preserve the lake's native gene pool and local biodiversity for future generations, while protecting the original former bed of the Orava River. At the lookout you will also find a board about the water birds that live around the lake.

The second newest part of the nature trail is the ECO-centre Pod širákom, which is located about halfway along the trail. It offers a variety of interactive elements that will entertain and educate not only children, but also adults.

The Párnica Lakes are a unique locality of lower Orava in terms of ornithology, fishing, landscape and natural history. They are located in the Dolný Kubín district, in the cadastral territories of the Istebné, Párnica, Veličná and Žaškov municipalities. The area of the Párnica Lakes consists of the main arm of the Orava River and 21 lakes, which were created by excavation of gravel deposits of the old riverbed. Gravel extraction in this area began in 1957 and lasted for more than 40 years. The Párnica Lakes cover an area of about 42 hectares at an altitude of 450 m above sea level. The site is bordered to the north by the Trstená - Kraľovany railway line, to the south by the Orava River, to the west by the Párnica - Žaškov state road and to the east by the area of the former metallurgical plants in Istebné. Most of the trail route is accessible by car, the entire route can be walked, but also cycled. Visitors are guided by directional arrows along the entire route of the nature trail, which also includes a pontoon bridge.

Have a pleasant walk 😉